
LATE POLICY: You have a total of 4 late days that can be used in atomic units over the entire quarter. By “atomic” I mean, for example, that 35 mins over the deadline is equal to 1 late day.

Haskell Installation Guide

Per OS Instructions

  • Windows: install WSL2. You will first install the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), with the administrator-level command wsl --install. Once you restart, then ensure you are using version 2, with wsl -l -v. If you haven’t used this before, you are likely already on WSL2. If not, check this link to see how to upgrade from 1 to 2.
  • MacOS: Ensure you’ve agreed to the XCode License agreements, to ensure you have clang and other build tools available. Simply run xcode-select --install
  • Linux: You’ll need some usual compiler tools, including clang and nasm. If you’re on a Debian-like build, the build-essential package should suffice.

General instructions

  1. Install GHCup
  2. In a terminal, run: ghcup tui
  3. Install and set these versions of the tools:
    1. Stack: 2.9.1
    2. HLS:
    3. Cabal:
    4. GHC: 8.10.7

Once you have GHC, Cabal, and Stack installed, you can edit your homework in your favorite text editor and build it by running make. For best experience, we recommend using VSCode with the Haskell extension; to make the extension work, you first need to install HLS via ghcup (see above).

Virtual Machine

Those of you having trouble installing the Haskell tool chain can use the CSE 230 VM.