Bottling Computation Patterns
Another way to practice D.R.Y:
spot common computation patterns
refactor them into reusable higher-order functions (HOFs)
useful library HOFs:
, andfold
Write a function evens
that extracts only even elements from an integer list.
-- evens [] ==> []
-- evens [1,2,3,4] ==> [2,4]
evens :: [Int] -> [Int]
= ...
evens [] :xs) = ... evens (x
Example: four-letter words
Let’s write a function fourChars
-- fourChars [] ==> []
-- fourChars ["i","must","do","work"] ==> ["must","work"]
fourChars :: [String] -> [String]
= ...
fourChars [] :xs) = ... fourChars (x
Yikes, Most Code is the Same
Lets rename the functions to foo
= []
foo [] :xs)
foo (x| x mod 2 == 0 = x : foo xs
| otherwise = foo xs
= []
foo [] :xs)
foo (x| length x == 4 = x : foo xs
| otherwise = foo xs
Only difference is the condition
x mod 2 == 0
vslength x == 4
Moral of the day
D.R.Y. Don’t Repeat Yourself!
Can we
- reuse the general pattern and
- substitute in the custom condition?
HOFs to the rescue!
General Pattern
- expressed as a higher-order function
- takes customizable operations as arguments
Specific Operation
- passed in as an argument to the HOF
The “filter” pattern
PatternGeneral Pattern
- Recursively traverse list and pick out elements that satisfy a predicate
Specific Operations
- Predicates
bottles the common pattern of selecting elements from a list that satisfy a condition:
Let’s talk about types
-- evens [1,2,3,4] ==> [2,4]
evens :: [Int] -> [Int]
= filter isEven xs
evens xs where
isEven :: Int -> Bool
= x `mod` 2 == 0 isEven x
filter :: ???
-- fourChars ["i","must","do","work"] ==> ["must","work"]
fourChars :: [String] -> [String]
= filter isFour xs
fourChars xs where
isFour :: String -> Bool
= length x == 4 isFour x
filter :: ???
So what’s the type of filter
filter :: (Int -> Bool) -> [Int] -> [Int] -- ???
filter :: (String -> Bool) -> [String] -> [String] -- ???
It does not care what the list elements are
- as long as the predicate can handle them
It’s type is polymorphic (generic) in the type of list elements
-- For any type `a`
-- if you give me a predicate on `a`s
-- and a list of `a`s,
-- I'll give you back a list of `a`s
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
Example: all caps
Lets write a function shout
-- shout [] ==> []
-- shout ['h','e','l','l','o'] ==> ['H','E','L','L','O']
shout :: [Char] -> [Char]
= ...
shout [] :xs) = ... shout (x
Example: squares
Lets write a function squares
-- squares [] ==> []
-- squares [1,2,3,4] ==> [1,4,9,16]
squares :: [Int] -> [Int]
= ...
squares [] :xs) = ... squares (x
Yikes, Most Code is the Same
Lets rename the functions to foo
-- shout
= []
foo [] :xs) = toUpper x : foo xs
foo (x
-- squares
= []
foo [] :xs) = (x * x) : foo xs foo (x
Lets refactor into the common pattern
pattern = ...
The “map” pattern
PatternGeneral Pattern
- Apply a transformation
to each element of a list
Specific Operations
- Transformations
and\x -> x * x
bottles the common pattern of iteratively applying a transformation to each element of a list:
EXERCISE: refactor with map
With map
defined as:
map f [] = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
refactor shout
and squares
to use map
= map ...
shout xs
= map ... squares xs
The Case of the Missing Parameter
The following definitions of shout
are equivalent:
shout :: [Char] -> [Char]
= map (\x -> toUpper x) xs shout xs
shout :: [Char] -> [Char]
= map toUpper shout
Where did xs
and x
The Case of the Missing Parameter
Recall lambda calculus:
The expressions f
and \x -> f x
are in some sense “equivalent”
- as long as
x not in FV(f)
because they behave the same way when applied to any argument e
-> f x) e
(\x =b> f e
Transforming \x -> f x
into f
is called eta contraction
- and the reverse is called eta expansion
In Haskell we have:
= map (\x -> toUpper x) xs shout xs
is syntactic sugar for:
shout =d>
-> map (\x -> toUpper x) xs
\xs =e> -- eta-contract outer lambda
map (\x -> toUpper x) xs
=e> -- eta-contract inner lambda
map toUpper xs
More generally, whenever you want to define a function:
= e x y z f x y z
you can save some typing, and omit the parameters:
- as long as
, andz
are not free ine
= e f
What is the type of map
map f [] = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
(A) (Char -> Char) -> [Char] -> [Char]
(B) (Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> [Int]
(C) (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
(D) (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
(E) (a -> b) -> [c] -> [d]
The type of “map”
-- For any types `a` and `b`
-- if you give me a transformation from `a` to `b`
-- and a list of `a`s,
-- I'll give you back a list of `b`s
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
Type says it all!
Can you think of a function that:
- has this type
- builds the output list not by applying the transformation to the input list?
Example: summing a list
-- sum [] ==> 0
-- sum [1,2,3] ==> 6
sum :: [Int] -> Int
sum [] = ...
sum (x:xs) = ...
Example: string concatenation
-- cat [] ==> ""
-- cat ["carne","asada","torta"] ==> "carneasadatorta"
cat :: [String] -> String
= ...
cat [] :xs) = ... cat (x
Can you spot the pattern?
-- sum
= 0
foo [] :xs) = x + foo xs
foo (x
-- cat
= ""
foo [] :xs) = x ++ foo xs foo (x
pattern = ...
The “fold-right” pattern
foldr op base [] = base
foldr op base (x:xs) = op x (foldr op base xs)
General Pattern
- Recurse on tail
- Combine result with the head using some binary operation
bottles the common pattern of combining/reducing a list into a single value:
EXERCISE: refactor with fold
With foldr
defined as:
foldr op base [] = base
foldr op base (x:xs) = op x (foldr op base xs)
refactor sum
and cat
to use foldr
sum xs = foldr op base xs
= ...
base = ...
op x acc
= foldr op base xs
cat xs where
= ...
base = ... op x acc
Now use eta-contraction to make your code more concise!
sum xs = foldr op base xs
= 0
base = x + acc
op x acc
= foldr op base xs
cat xs where
= ""
base = x ++ acc op x acc
or, more concisely:
sum = foldr (+) 0
= foldr (++) "" cat
Executing “foldr”
To develop some intuition about foldr
lets “run” it by hand.
foldr op base [] = base
foldr op base (x:xs) = op x (foldr op base xs)
foldr op b (a1:a2:a3:[])
`op` (foldr op b (a2:a3:[]))
a1 ==>
`op` (a2 `op` (foldr op b (a3:[])))
a1 ==>
`op` (a2 `op` (a3 `op` (foldr op b [])))
a1 ==>
`op` (a2 `op` (a3 `op` b)) a1
Look how it mirrors the structure of lists!
is replaced byop
is replaced bybase
For example:
foldr (+) 0 [1, 2, 3, 4]
==> 1 + (foldr (+) 0 [2, 3, 4])
==> 1 + (2 + (foldr (+) 0 [3, 4]))
==> 1 + (2 + (3 + (foldr (+) 0 [4])))
==> 1 + (2 + (3 + (4 + (foldr (+) 0 []))))
==> 1 + (2 + (3 + (4 + 0)))
Accumulate the values from the right!
What is the most general type of foldr
foldr op base [] = base
foldr op base (x:xs) = op x (foldr op base xs)
(A) (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [a] -> a
(B) (a -> a -> b) -> a -> [a] -> b
(C) (a -> b -> a) -> b -> [a] -> b
(D) (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
(E) (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
Answer: D
Recall the function to compute the len
of a list
len :: [a] -> Int
= 0
len [] :xs) = 1 + len xs len (x
Which of these is a valid implementation of len
A. len = foldr (\n -> n + 1) 0
B. len = foldr (\n m -> n + m) 0
C. len = foldr (\_ n -> n + 1) 0
D. len = foldr (\x xs -> 1 + len xs) 0
E. All of the above
HINT: remember that foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
The Missing Parameter Revisited
We wrote foldr
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr op base [] = base
foldr op base (x:xs) = op x (foldr op base xs)
but can also write this
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr op base = go
= base
go [] :xs) = op x (go xs) go (x
Can someone explain where the xs
went missing ?
Aside: folding right vs left
We can also fold a list from the left:
foldl op b (a1:a2:a3:[])
foldl op (b `op` a1) (a2:a3:[])
foldl op ((b `op` a1) `op` a2) (a3:[])
foldl op (((b `op` a1) `op` a2) `op` a3) []
`op` a1) `op` a2) `op` a3 ((b
Contrast this to folding from the right:
foldr op b (a1:a2:a3:[])
`op` (foldr op b (a2:a3:[]))
a1 ==>
`op` (a2 `op` (foldr op b (a3:[])))
a1 ==>
`op` (a2 `op` (a3 `op` (foldr op b [])))
a1 ==>
`op` (a2 `op` (a3 `op` b)) a1
Left vs. Right
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr op base = go
= base
go [] :xs) = op x (go xs)
go (x
foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b -- Different type!
foldl op base = go base
= acc
go acc [] :xs) = go (op acc x) xs -- Different recursion! go acc (x
Recall binary trees of integers ITree
from last time.
They can be generalized to trees of any type a
data Tree a
= Leaf
| Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
t1234 :: Tree Int
= Node 1
t1234 Node 2 (Node 3 Leaf Leaf) Leaf)
(Node 4 Leaf Leaf) (
EXERCISE: tree height
Write a function to compute the height
of a tree, where
- height is the max number of
s on a path from the root to a leaf
data Tree a = Leaf | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
height :: Tree a -> Int
Leaf = ???
height Node x l r) = ???
height (
>>> height t1234
Examples: tree sum
Let’s write a function to sum the leaves of an Int
sumTree :: Tree Int -> Int
Leaf = ???
sumTree Node x l r) = ???
sumTree (
>>> sumTree t1234
Let’s write a function to gather all the elements in the tree:
toList :: Tree a -> [a]
Leaf = ???
toList Node x l r) = ???
toList (
>>> toList t1234
1,2,3,4] [
Pattern: Tree Fold
Can you spot the pattern? Those three functions are almost the same!
Step 1: Rename to maximize similarity
-- height
Leaf = 0
foo Node x l r) = 1 + max (foo l) (foo l)
foo (
-- sumTree
Leaf = 0
foo Node x l r) = foo l + foo r
foo (
-- toList
Leaf = []
foo Node x l r) = x : foo l ++ foo r foo (
Step 2: Identify the differences
- ???
- ???
Step 3 Make differences a parameter
Leaf = ???
foo p1 p2 Node x l r) = ??? foo p1 p2 (
Pattern: Tree fold
Leaf = base
tFold op base Node x l r) = op x (tFold op base l) (tFold op base r) tFold op base (
Lets try to work out the type of tFold
tFold :: ??? -> ??? -> Tree a -> ???
tFold :: (a -> b -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b
= go
tFold op base where
Leaf = base
go Node x l r) = op x (go l) (go r) go (
Suppose that t :: Tree Int
What does tFold (\x y z -> y + z) 1 t
a. 0
b. the largest element in the tree t
c. the number of nodes of the tree t
d. the number of leaves of the tree t
e. type error
EXERCISE: using tree fold
Write a function to compute the largest element in a tree or 0
if tree is empty or all negative.
treeMax :: Tree Int -> Int
= tFold f b t
treeMax t where
= ???
b = ??? f x l r
Recall that tFold
is defined as
tFold :: (a -> b -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b
= go
tFold op base where
Leaf = base
go Node x l r) = op x (go l) (go r) go (
Map over Trees
We can also write a tmap
equivalent of map
for Tree
treeMap :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
Leaf = Leaf
treeMap f Node x l r) = Node (f x) (treeMap f l) (treeMap f r) treeMap f (
which gives
>>> treeMap (\n -> n * n) tree1234 -- square all elements of tree
Node 1 (Node 4 (Node 9 Leaf Leaf) Leaf) (Node 16 Leaf Leaf)
EXERCISE: map via fold
Can we rewrite treeMap
using tFold
treeMap :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
= tFold op base
treeMap f where
= ???
base = ??? op x l r
Folding custom data types
We can also write fancy folds for our own data types!
For example, here is a “directory” data type from HW1:
data Dir a
= Fil a -- A single file named `a`
| Sub a [Dir a] -- A sub-directory name `a` with contents `[Dir a]`
data DirElem a
= File a -- A single File named `a`
| SubDir a -- A single Sub-Directory named `a`
foldDir :: ([a] -> r -> DirElem a -> r) -> r -> Dir a -> r
= go [] r0 dir
foldDir op r0 dir where
Fil a) = op path r (File a)
go path r (Sub a ds) = foldl' (go path') r' ds
go path r (where
= op path r (SubDir a)
r' = a:path path'
takes as input
an operation
of type[a] -> r -> DirElem a -> r
takes as input the path
, the current resultr
, the nextDirElem [a]
and returns as output the new result
an initial value of the result
anddirectory to fold over
And returns the result of running the accumulator over the whole dir
Higher Order Functions
Iteration patterns over collections:
- Filter values in a collection given a predicate
- Map (iterate) a given transformation over a collection
- Fold (reduce) a collection into a value, given a binary operation to combine results
HOFs can be put into libraries to enable modularity
Data structure library implements
for its collectionsgeneric efficient implementation
generic optimizations:
map f (map g xs) --> map (f.g) xs
Data structure clients use HOFs with specific operations
no need to know the implementation of the collection
less to write
easier to communicate
avoid bugs due to repetition
Indeed, HOFs were the basis of map/reduce
and the big-data revolution
Can parallelize and distribute computation patterns just once
Reuse across hundreds or thousands of instances!