Higher-Order Functions

Bottling Computation Patterns

Another way to practice D.R.Y:

  • spot common computation patterns

  • refactor them into reusable higher-order functions (HOFs)

  • useful library HOFs: map, filter, and fold


Write a function evens that extracts only even elements from an integer list.

-- evens []        ==> []
-- evens [1,2,3,4] ==> [2,4]
evens       :: [Int] -> [Int]
evens []     = ... 
evens (x:xs) = ...

Example: four-letter words

Let’s write a function fourChars:

-- fourChars [] ==> []
-- fourChars ["i","must","do","work"] ==> ["must","work"]
fourChars :: [String] -> [String]
fourChars []     = ... 
fourChars (x:xs) = ...

Yikes, Most Code is the Same

Lets rename the functions to foo:

foo []            = []
foo (x:xs)
  | x mod 2 == 0  = x : foo xs
  | otherwise     =     foo xs

foo []            = []
foo (x:xs)
  | length x == 4 = x : foo xs
  | otherwise     =     foo xs

Only difference is the condition

  • x mod 2 == 0 vs length x == 4

Moral of the day

D.R.Y. Don’t Repeat Yourself!

Can we

  • reuse the general pattern and
  • substitute in the custom condition?

HOFs to the rescue!

General Pattern

  • expressed as a higher-order function
  • takes customizable operations as arguments

Specific Operation

  • passed in as an argument to the HOF

The “filter” pattern

The filter Pattern

General Pattern

  • HOF filter
  • Recursively traverse list and pick out elements that satisfy a predicate

Specific Operations

  • Predicates isEven and isFour
filter instances

filter bottles the common pattern of selecting elements from a list that satisfy a condition:

Fairy In a Bottle

Let’s talk about types

-- evens [1,2,3,4] ==> [2,4]
evens :: [Int] -> [Int]
evens xs = filter isEven xs
    isEven :: Int -> Bool
    isEven x  =  x `mod` 2 == 0
filter :: ???

-- fourChars ["i","must","do","work"] ==> ["must","work"]
fourChars :: [String] -> [String]
fourChars xs = filter isFour xs
    isFour :: String -> Bool
    isFour x  =  length x == 4
filter :: ???

So what’s the type of filter?

filter :: (Int -> Bool) -> [Int] -> [Int] -- ???

filter :: (String -> Bool) -> [String] -> [String] -- ???

  • It does not care what the list elements are

    • as long as the predicate can handle them
  • It’s type is polymorphic (generic) in the type of list elements

-- For any type `a`
--   if you give me a predicate on `a`s
--   and a list of `a`s,
--   I'll give you back a list of `a`s 
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]

Example: all caps

Lets write a function shout:

-- shout []                    ==> []
-- shout ['h','e','l','l','o'] ==> ['H','E','L','L','O'] 
shout :: [Char] -> [Char]
shout []     = ...
shout (x:xs) = ... 

Example: squares

Lets write a function squares:

-- squares []        ==> []
-- squares [1,2,3,4] ==> [1,4,9,16] 
squares :: [Int] -> [Int]
squares []     = ...
squares (x:xs) = ... 

Yikes, Most Code is the Same

Lets rename the functions to foo:

-- shout
foo []     = []
foo (x:xs) = toUpper x : foo xs

-- squares
foo []     = []
foo (x:xs) = (x * x)   : foo xs

Lets refactor into the common pattern

pattern = ...

The “map” pattern

The map Pattern

General Pattern

  • HOF map
  • Apply a transformation f to each element of a list

Specific Operations

  • Transformations toUpper and \x -> x * x

map bottles the common pattern of iteratively applying a transformation to each element of a list:

Fairy In a Bottle

EXERCISE: refactor with map

With map defined as:

map f []     = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs

refactor shout and squares to use map:

shout   xs = map ...

squares xs = map ...

The Case of the Missing Parameter

The following definitions of shout are equivalent:

shout :: [Char] -> [Char]
shout xs = map (\x -> toUpper x) xs


shout :: [Char] -> [Char]
shout = map toUpper

Where did xs and x go???

The Case of the Missing Parameter

Recall lambda calculus:

The expressions f and \x -> f x are in some sense “equivalent”

  • as long as x not in FV(f)

because they behave the same way when applied to any argument e:

(\x -> f x) e
=b> f e

Transforming \x -> f x into f is called eta contraction

  • and the reverse is called eta expansion

In Haskell we have:

shout xs = map (\x -> toUpper x) xs

is syntactic sugar for:

\xs -> map (\x -> toUpper x) xs
  =e> -- eta-contract outer lambda
map (\x -> toUpper x) xs
  =e> -- eta-contract inner lambda
map toUpper xs  

More generally, whenever you want to define a function:

f x y z = e x y z

you can save some typing, and omit the parameters:

  • as long as x, y, and z are not free in e
f = e


What is the type of map?

map f []     = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs

(A) (Char -> Char) -> [Char] -> [Char]

(B) (Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> [Int]

(C) (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]

(D) (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

(E) (a -> b) -> [c] -> [d]

The type of “map”

-- For any types `a` and `b`
--   if you give me a transformation from `a` to `b`
--   and a list of `a`s,
--   I'll give you back a list of `b`s 
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

Type says it all!

Can you think of a function that:

  • has this type
  • builds the output list not by applying the transformation to the input list?

Example: summing a list

-- sum []      ==> 0
-- sum [1,2,3] ==> 6
sum :: [Int] -> Int
sum []     = ...
sum (x:xs) = ...

Example: string concatenation

-- cat [] ==> ""
-- cat ["carne","asada","torta"] ==> "carneasadatorta"
cat :: [String] -> String
cat []     = ...
cat (x:xs) = ...

Can you spot the pattern?

-- sum
foo []     = 0
foo (x:xs) = x + foo xs

-- cat
foo []     = ""
foo (x:xs) = x ++ foo xs

pattern = ...

The “fold-right” pattern

foldr op base []     = base
foldr op base (x:xs) = op x (foldr op base xs)

General Pattern

  • Recurse on tail
  • Combine result with the head using some binary operation

foldr bottles the common pattern of combining/reducing a list into a single value:

Fairy In a Bottle

EXERCISE: refactor with fold

With foldr defined as:

foldr op base []     = base
foldr op base (x:xs) = op x (foldr op base xs)

refactor sum and cat to use foldr:

sum xs = foldr op base xs
    base     = ...
    op x acc = ...

cat xs = foldr op base xs
    base     = ...
    op x acc = ...

Now use eta-contraction to make your code more concise!


sum xs = foldr op base xs
    base     = 0
    op x acc = x + acc

cat xs = foldr op base xs
    base     = ""
    op x acc = x ++ acc

or, more concisely:

sum = foldr (+) 0

cat = foldr (++) ""

Executing “foldr”

To develop some intuition about foldr lets “run” it by hand.

foldr op base []     = base
foldr op base (x:xs) = op x (foldr op base xs)

foldr op b (a1:a2:a3:[])
  a1 `op` (foldr op b (a2:a3:[]))
  a1 `op` (a2 `op` (foldr op b (a3:[])))
  a1 `op` (a2 `op` (a3 `op` (foldr op b [])))
  a1 `op` (a2 `op` (a3 `op` b))

Look how it mirrors the structure of lists!

  • (:) is replaced by op
  • [] is replaced by base

For example:

foldr (+) 0 [1, 2, 3, 4]
  ==> 1 + (foldr (+) 0 [2, 3, 4])
  ==> 1 + (2 + (foldr (+) 0 [3, 4]))
  ==> 1 + (2 + (3 + (foldr (+) 0 [4])))
  ==> 1 + (2 + (3 + (4 + (foldr (+) 0 []))))
  ==> 1 + (2 + (3 + (4 + 0)))

Accumulate the values from the right!


What is the most general type of foldr?

foldr op base []     = base
foldr op base (x:xs) = op x (foldr op base xs)

(A) (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [a] -> a

(B) (a -> a -> b) -> a -> [a] -> b

(C) (a -> b -> a) -> b -> [a] -> b

(D) (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b

(E) (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b

Answer: D


Recall the function to compute the len of a list

len :: [a] -> Int
len []     = 0
len (x:xs) = 1 + len xs

Which of these is a valid implementation of len

A. len = foldr (\n -> n + 1) 0

B. len = foldr (\n m -> n + m) 0

C. len = foldr (\_ n -> n + 1) 0

D. len = foldr (\x xs -> 1 + len xs) 0

E. All of the above

HINT: remember that foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b!

The Missing Parameter Revisited

We wrote foldr as

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr op base []     = base
foldr op base (x:xs) = op x (foldr op base xs)

but can also write this

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr op base  = go 
     go []     = base
     go (x:xs) = op x (go xs)

Can someone explain where the xs went missing ?

Aside: folding right vs left

We can also fold a list from the left:

foldl op b (a1:a2:a3:[])
  foldl op (b `op` a1) (a2:a3:[])
  foldl op ((b `op` a1) `op` a2) (a3:[])
  foldl op (((b `op` a1) `op` a2) `op` a3) []
  ((b `op` a1) `op` a2) `op` a3

Contrast this to folding from the right:

foldr op b (a1:a2:a3:[])
  a1 `op` (foldr op b (a2:a3:[]))
  a1 `op` (a2 `op` (foldr op b (a3:[])))
  a1 `op` (a2 `op` (a3 `op` (foldr op b [])))
  a1 `op` (a2 `op` (a3 `op` b))

Left vs. Right

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr op base  = go 
     go []     = base
     go (x:xs) = op x (go xs)

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b -- Different type!
foldl op base  = go base
     go acc []     = acc
     go acc (x:xs) = go (op acc x) xs -- Different recursion!


Recall binary trees of integers ITree from last time.

They can be generalized to trees of any type a:

data Tree a 
  = Leaf 
  | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)

t1234 :: Tree Int
t1234 = Node 1 
          (Node 2 (Node 3 Leaf Leaf) Leaf) 
          (Node 4 Leaf Leaf)
Binary tree

EXERCISE: tree height

Write a function to compute the height of a tree, where

  • height is the max number of Nodes on a path from the root to a leaf
data Tree a = Leaf | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)

height :: Tree a -> Int
height Leaf         = ???
height (Node x l r) = ???

>>> height t1234

Examples: tree sum

Let’s write a function to sum the leaves of an Int tree:

sumTree :: Tree Int -> Int
sumTree Leaf         = ???
sumTree (Node x l r) = ???

>>> sumTree t1234

Let’s write a function to gather all the elements in the tree:

toList :: Tree a -> [a] 
toList Leaf         = ??? 
toList (Node x l r) = ???

>>> toList t1234

Pattern: Tree Fold

Can you spot the pattern? Those three functions are almost the same!

Step 1: Rename to maximize similarity

-- height
foo Leaf         = 0
foo (Node x l r) = 1 + max (foo l) (foo l)

-- sumTree
foo Leaf         = 0
foo (Node x l r) = foo l + foo r

-- toList
foo Leaf         = []
foo (Node x l r) = x : foo l ++ foo r

Step 2: Identify the differences

  1. ???
  2. ???

Step 3 Make differences a parameter

foo p1 p2 Leaf         = ???
foo p1 p2 (Node x l r) = ???

Pattern: Tree fold

tFold op base Leaf         = base 
tFold op base (Node x l r) = op x (tFold op base l) (tFold op base r)

Lets try to work out the type of tFold!

tFold :: ??? -> ??? -> Tree a -> ???

tFold :: (a -> b -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b
tFold op base = go
    go Leaf         = base
    go (Node x l r) = op x (go l) (go r)


Suppose that t :: Tree Int.

What does tFold (\x y z -> y + z) 1 t return?

a. 0

b. the largest element in the tree t

c. the number of nodes of the tree t

d. the number of leaves of the tree t

e. type error

EXERCISE: using tree fold

Write a function to compute the largest element in a tree or 0 if tree is empty or all negative.

treeMax :: Tree Int -> Int
treeMax t = tFold f b t 
     b       = ???
     f x l r = ??? 

Recall that tFold is defined as

tFold :: (a -> b -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b
tFold op base = go
    go Leaf         = base
    go (Node x l r) = op x (go l) (go r)

Map over Trees

We can also write a tmap equivalent of map for Trees

treeMap :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
treeMap f Leaf       = Leaf
treeMap f (Node x l r) = Node (f x) (treeMap f l) (treeMap f r)

which gives

>>> treeMap (\n -> n * n) tree1234     -- square all elements of tree
Node 1 (Node 4 (Node 9 Leaf Leaf) Leaf) (Node 16 Leaf Leaf)

EXERCISE: map via fold

Can we rewrite treeMap using tFold?

treeMap :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
treeMap f = tFold op base 
     base     = ??? 
     op x l r = ??? 

Folding custom data types

We can also write fancy folds for our own data types!

For example, here is a “directory” data type from HW1:

data Dir a 
  = Fil a          -- A single file named `a`
  | Sub a [Dir a]  -- A sub-directory name `a` with contents `[Dir a]`

data DirElem a 
  = File a         -- A single File named `a` 
  | SubDir a       -- A single Sub-Directory named `a`

foldDir :: ([a] -> r -> DirElem a -> r) -> r -> Dir a -> r
foldDir op r0 dir = go [] r0 dir  
      go path r (Fil a)    = op path r (File a)  
      go path r (Sub a ds) = foldl' (go path') r' ds                          
            r'    = op path r (SubDir a)  
            path' = a:path

foldDir takes as input

  • an operation op of type [a] -> r -> DirElem a -> r

    • takes as input the path [a] , the current result r, the next DirElem [a]

    • and returns as output the new result r

  • an initial value of the result r0 and

  • directory to fold over dir

And returns the result of running the accumulator over the whole dir.

Higher Order Functions

Iteration patterns over collections:

  • Filter values in a collection given a predicate
  • Map (iterate) a given transformation over a collection
  • Fold (reduce) a collection into a value, given a binary operation to combine results

HOFs can be put into libraries to enable modularity

  • Data structure library implements map, filter, fold for its collections

    • generic efficient implementation

    • generic optimizations: map f (map g xs) --> map (f.g) xs

  • Data structure clients use HOFs with specific operations

    • no need to know the implementation of the collection

    • less to write

    • easier to communicate

    • avoid bugs due to repetition

Indeed, HOFs were the basis of map/reduce and the big-data revolution

  • Can parallelize and distribute computation patterns just once

  • Reuse across hundreds or thousands of instances!