IO in Haskell

Writing Applications

Lets write the classic “Hello world!” program.

For example, in Python you may write:

def main():
    print "hello, world!"


and then you can run it:

$ python
hello world!

Haskell is pure

Haskell programs don’t do things!

A program is an expression that evaluates to a value (and nothing else happens)

  • A function of type Int -> Int computes a single integer output from a single integer input and does nothing else

  • Moreover, it always returns the same output given the same input (referential transparency)

Specifically, evaluation must not have any side effects

  • change a global variable or

  • print to screen or

  • read a file or

  • send an email or

  • launch a missile.

But… how to write “Hello, world!”

But, we want to …

  • print to screen
  • read a file
  • send an email

Thankfully, you can do all the above via a very clever idea: Recipe


This analogy is due to Joachim Brietner

Haskell has a special type called IO – which you can think of as Recipe

type Recipe a = IO a

A value of type Recipe a

  • is a description of a computation that can have side-effects

  • which when executed performs some effectful I/O operations

  • to produce a value of type a.

Recipes have No Side Effects

A value of type Recipe a is

  • A description of a computation that can have side-effects
Cake vs. Recipe

(L) chocolate cake, (R) a sequence of instructions on how to make a cake.

They are different (Hint: only one of them is delicious.)

Merely having a Recipe Cake has no effects! The recipe

  • Does not make your oven hot

  • Does not make your your floor dirty

Only One Way to Execute Recipes

When executing a program, Haskell looks for a special value:

main :: Recipe ()

This is a recipe for everything a program should do

  • that returns a unit ()
  • i.e. does not return any useful value

The value associated with main is handed to the runtime system and executed

Baker Aker

The Haskell runtime is a master chef who is the only one allowed to produce effects!


  • A function of type Int -> Int still computes a single integer output from a single integer input and does nothing else

  • A function of type Int -> Recipe Int computes an Int-recipe from a single integer input and does nothing else

  • Only if I hand this recipe to main will any effects be produced

How to write an App in Haskell

Make a Recipe () that is handed off to the master chef main.

  • main can be arbitrarily complicated

  • composed of smaller sub-recipes

A Recipe to Print to Screen

putStrLn :: String -> Recipe ()

The function putStrLn

  • takes as input a String
  • returns as output a Recipe ()

putStrLn msg is a Recipe () - when executed prints out msg on the screen.

main :: Recipe ()
main = putStrLn "Hello, world!"

… and we can compile and run it

$ ghc --make hello.hs
$ ./hello
Hello, world!

QUIZ: Printing multiple things

Suppose I want to print two things e.g.

$ ghc --make hello.hs
$ ./hello2

Will this work?

main = (putStrLn "Hello!", putStrLn "World!")

A. Yes!

B. No, there is a type error!

C. No, it compiles but produces a different result!

A Collection of Recipes

Is just … a collection of Recipes!

recPair :: (Recipe (), Recipe ())
recPair = (putStrLn "Hello!", putStrLn "World!")

recList :: [Recipe ()]
recList = [putStrLn "Hello!", putStrLn "World!"]

… we need a way to combine recipes!

Combining? Just do it!

We can combine many recipes into a single one using a do block

foo :: Recipe a3
foo = do r1       -- r1 :: Recipe a1
         r2       -- r2 :: Recipe a2
         r3       -- r3 :: Recipe a3

(or if you prefer curly braces + semicolons to indentation)

foo = do { r1; r2; r3 }

The do block combines sub-recipes r1, r2 and r3 into a new recipe that

  • Will execute each sub-recipe in sequence and
  • Return the value of type a3 produced by the last recipe r3

Combining? Just do it!

So we can write

main = do putStrLn "Hello!"
          putStrLn "World!"

or if you prefer

main = do { putStrLn "Hello!"; putStrLn "World!" }
  • looks like imperative code
  • but actually it’s just syntactic sugar for some HOFs
  • (we’ll figure that out in the Monad lecture)

EXERCISE: Combining Many Recipes

Write a function called sequence that

  • Takes a non-empty list of recipes [r1,...,rn] as input and
  • Returns a single recipe equivalent to do {r1; ...; rn}
sequence :: [Recipe a] -> Recipe a
sequence rs = ???

When you are done you should see the following behavior

-- Hello.hs

main = sequence [putStrLn "Hello!", putStrLn "World!"] 

and then

$ ghc --make Hello.hs
$ ./hello

Using the Results of (Sub-) Recipes

Suppose we want a function that asks for the user’s name

$ ./hello
What is your name? 
Nadia             # <<<<< user enters
Hello Nadia!

We can use the following sub-recipes

-- | read and return a line from stdin as String
getLine  :: Recipe String       

-- take a string s, return a recipe that prints  s 
putStrLn :: String -> Recipe () 

But how to

  • Combine the two sub-recipes while
  • Passing the result of the first sub-recipe to the second.

Naming Recipe Results via Bind

You can write

x <- recipe

to bind the result of executing recipe to x

  • x can be used to refer to the result in later code
  • looks like imperative assignment
  • but again, it’s just syntactic sugar for some HOFs

Naming Recipe Results via Bind

Lets, write an app that asks for the user’s name

main = do putStrLn "What is your name?"
          name <- getLine 
          putStrLn ("Hello " ++ name ++ "!")

Which produces the desired result

$ ./hello
What is your name? 
Nadia             # user enters
Hello Nadia!


Modify the above code so that the program repeatedly asks for the users’s name until they provide a non-empty string.

When you are done you should get the following behavior

$ ghc --make hello.hs

$ ./hello
What is your name? 
# user hits return
What is your name? 
# user hits return
What is your name? 
# user hits return
What is your name? 
Nadia  # user enters
Was that so hard Nadia???


Modify your code to also count how many times you had to ask the user for their name:

$ ghc --make hello.hs

$ ./hello
What is your name? 
                          # user hits return
What is your name? 
                          # user hits return
What is your name? 
                          # user hits return
What is your name? 
Nadia                     # user enters
It took you 4 tries Nadia!

Recipes with Results

Let’s write a function that asks the user maximum n times, and if they fail to provide a non-empty string, it returns a default value d:

main :: Recipe ()
main = do name <- askMany 3 "dummy"
          putStrLn $ printf "Hello %s!" name

askMany :: Int -> String -> Recipe String
askMany = ???

To return a result from a recipe, use the return function!

askMany :: Int -> String -> Recipe String
askMany 0 d = return d
askMany n d = do putStrLn "What is your name?"
                 name <- getLine
                 if null name
                   then askMany (n-1) d
                   else return name

That’s all about IO

You should be able to implement build from Directory.hs

Using these library functions imported at the top of the file

import System.FilePath   (takeDirectory, takeFileName, (</>))
import System.Directory  (doesFileExist, listDirectory)

The functions are

  • takeFileName
  • (</>)
  • doesFileExist
  • listDirectory

hoogle the documentation to learn about how to use them.