Parser Combinators


A parser is a function that

  • converts unstructured data (e.g. String, array of Byte,…)
  • into structured data (e.g. JSON object, Markdown, Video…)
type Parser = String -> StructuredObject

Every large software system contains a Parser

System Parses
Compiler Source code
Shell Scripts Command-line options
Database SQL queries
Web Browser HTML, CSS, JS, …
Games Level descriptors
Routers Packets

How to build Parsers?

Two standard methods

Regular Expressions

  • Doesn’t really scale beyond simple things
  • No nesting, recursion

Parser Generators

  1. Specify grammar via rules
Expr : Var            { EVar $1       }
     | Num            { ENum $1       }
     | Expr Op Expr   { EBin $1 $2 $3 }
     | '(' Expr ')'   { $2            }
  1. Tools like yacc, bison, antlr, happy
  • convert grammar into executable function

Grammars Don’t Compose!

If we have two kinds of structured objects Thingy and Whatsit.

Thingy : rule 	{ action } 

Whatsit : rule  { action }

To parse sequences of Thingy and Whatsit we must repeat ourselves:

Thingies : Thingy Thingies  { ... } 
           EmptyThingy      { ... }

Whatsits : Whatsit Whatsits { ... }
           EmptyWhatsit     { ... }

No way to:

  • Define a generic parser for sequences
  • Reuse this generic parser for Thingy and Whatsit

A New Hope: Parsers as Functions

Lets think of parsers directly as functions that

  • Take as input a String
  • Convert a part of the input into a StructuredObject
  • Return the remainder unconsumed to be parsed later
data Parser a = P (String -> (a, String))

A Parser a

  • Converts a prefix of a String
  • Into a structured object of type a and
  • Returns the suffix String unchanged

Parsers Can Produce Many Results

Sometimes we want to parse a String like

"2 - 3 - 4"

into a list of possible results

[(Minus (Minus 2 3) 4),   Minus 2 (Minus 3 4)]

So we generalize the Parser type to

data Parser a = P (String -> [(a, String)])


Given the definition

data Parser a = P (String -> [(a, String)])

Implement a function

runParser :: Parser a -> String -> [(a, String)]
runParser p s = ???


Given the definition

data Parser a = P (String -> [(a, String)])

Which of the following is a valid oneChar :: Parser Char

that returns the first Char from a string (if one exists)

-- A
oneChar = P (\s -> head s)

-- B
oneChar = P (\s -> case s of 
                      []   -> [('', s)] 
                      c:cs -> [c, cs])

-- C
oneChar = P (\s -> (head s, tail s))

-- D
oneChar = P (\s -> [(head s, tail s)])

-- E
oneChar = P (\s -> case s of
                      [] -> [] 
                      c:cs -> [(c, cs)])

Lets Run Our First Parser!

>>> runParser oneChar "hey!"
[('h', "ey")]

>>> runParser oneChar "yippee"
[('y', "ippee")]

>>> runParser oneChar ""

Failure to parse means result is an empty list!


Your turn: Write a parser to grab first two chars

twoChar :: Parser (Char, Char)
twoChar = P (\cs -> ???) 

When you are done, we should get

>>> runParser twoChar "hey!"
[(('h', 'e'), "y!")]

>>> runParser twoChar ""

>>> runParser twoChar "h"

Composing Parsers

We can write twoChars from scratch like so:

twoChar :: Parser (Char, Char)
twoChar  = P (\cs -> case cs of
                       c1:c2:cs' -> [((c1, c2), cs')]
                       _         -> [])

But this is sad: would be much better to reuse oneChar!

twoChar :: Parser (Char, Char)
twoChar = pairP oneChar oneChar 


twoChar :: Parser (Char, Char)
twoChar = pairP oneChar oneChar 

What must the type of pairP be?

A. Parser (Char, Char)

B. Parser Char -> Parser (Char, Char)

C. Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser (a, a)

D. Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser (a, b)

E. Parser a -> Parser (a, a)

A Pair Combinator

Lets implement pairP!

pairP :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser (a, b)
pairP aP bP = ???

High-level idea:

  • Run aP on the input string
  • For each result (a, s') of aP, run bP on s'
  • For each result (b, s'') of bP, return ((a, b), s'')

-- | We have just seen this "for-each" function in the previous lecture!
forEach :: [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]
forEach xs f = concatMap f xs

pairP :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser (a, b)
pairP aP bP = P (\s -> forEach (runParser aP s)  (\(a, s') ->
                       forEach (runParser bP s') (\(b, s'') ->
                       [((a, b), s'')])

This works, but is was a bit of a pain to write!

Does this code look familiar?

It’s like doing mutable state + non-determinism the hard way!

  • i.e. without monads

Also, take a second look at the Parser type:

data Parser a = P (String -> [(a, String)])

data State s a   = S (s -> (a, s))

Parser is a Monad!

Like State and [], Parser is a monad!

We need to implement two functions

returnP :: a -> Parser a

bindP   :: Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b


Which of the following is a valid implementation of returnP

data Parser a = P (String -> [(a, String)])

returnP   :: a -> Parser a

returnP a = P (\s -> [])          -- A

returnP a = P (\s -> [(a, s)])    -- B

returnP a = P (\s -> (a, s))      -- C

returnP a = P (\s -> [(a, "")])   -- D

returnP a = P (\s -> [(s, a)])    -- E

HINT: what did return do for State and []?

Bind for Parsers

Next, lets implement bindP

bindP :: Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b
bindP aP fbP = ???

High-level idea:

  • Run aP on the input string
  • For each result (a, s') of aP, run bp = fbP a on s'
  • For each result (b, s'') of bP, return (b, s'')

In other words, this is just a generalization of pairP!

bindP :: Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b
bindP aP fbP = P (\s -> 
  forEach (runParser aP s) (\(a, s') -> 
    forEach (runParser (fbP a) s') (\(b, s'') ->
      [(b, s'')]

The Parser Monad

We can now make Parser an instance of Monad

instance Monad Parser where
  (>>=)  = bindP
  return = returnP

And now, let the wild rumpus begin!

Parser Combinators

Lets write lots of high-level operators to combine parsers!

Here’s a cleaned up pairP

pairP :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser (a, b)
pairP aP bP = do 
  a <- aP
  b <- bP
  return (a, b)

Failures are the Pillars of Success!

Surprisingly useful, always fails

  • i.e. returns [] no successful parses
failP :: Parser a
failP = P (\_ -> [])


Consider the parser

satP :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
satP p = do 
  c <- oneChar
  if p c then return c else failP

What is the value of

quiz1 = runParser (satP (\c -> c == 'h')) "hello"
quiz2 = runParser (satP (\c -> c == 'h')) "yellow"
quiz1 quiz2
A [] []
B [('h', "ello")] [('y', "ellow")]
C [('h', "ello")] []
D [] [('y', "ellow")]

Parsing Alphabets and Numerics

We can now use satP to write

-- parse ONLY the Char c
charP :: Char -> Parser Char
charP c = satP (\c' -> c == c')

-- parse ANY ALPHABET 
alphaCharP :: Parser Char
alphaCharP = satP isAlpha

digitCharP :: Parser Char
digitCharP = satP isDigit


We can parse a single Int digit

digitP :: Parser Int
digitP = do
  c <- digitCharP     -- parse the Char c
  return (read [c])   -- convert Char to Int

What is the result of

quiz1 = runParser digitP "92"
quiz2 = runParser digitP "cat"
quiz1 quiz2
A [] []
B [('9', "2")] [('c', "at")]
C [(9, "2")] []
D [] [('c', "at")]

A Choice Combinator

Lets write a combinator p1 <|> p2 that

  • returns the results of p1

or, else if those are empty

  • returns the results of p2

E.g. <|> lets us build a parser that produces an alphabet OR a numeric character

alphaNumCharP :: Parser Char
alphaNumCharP = alphaCharP <|> digitCharP

Which should produce

>>> runParser alphaNumCharP "cat"
[('c', "at")]

>>> runParser alphaNumCharP "2cat"
[('2', "cat")]


(<|>) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
p1 <|> p2 = ??? -- produce results of `p1` if non-empty
                -- OR-ELSE results of `p2`

Which of the following implements (<|>)?

do -- (A) 
  r1s <- p1
  r2s <- p2
  return (r1s ++ r2s) 

do -- (B)
  r1s <- p1 
  case r1s of 
    [] -> p2 
    _  -> return r1s

-- (C)
P (\s -> runParser p1 s ++ runParser p2 s)

-- (D)
P (\s -> 
  case runParser p1 s of
    []  -> runParser p2 s
    r1s -> r1s

A Simple Expression Parser

Let’s write a parser calc :: Parser Int that parses and evaluates simple arithmetic expressions

  • an expression is a + b, a - b, a * b, a / b
  • where a and b are single-digit integers
>>> runParser calc "8/2"

>>> runParser calc "8+2cat"

>>> runParser calc "8-2cat"

>>> runParser calc "8*2cat"

-- 1. First, parse the operator 
opP      :: Parser (Int -> Int -> Int) 
opP      = plus <|> minus <|> times <|> divide 
    plus   = do { _ <- charP '+'; return (+) }
    minus  = do { _ <- charP '-'; return (-) }
    times  = do { _ <- charP '*'; return (*) }
    divide = do { _ <- charP '/'; return div }

-- 2. Now parse the expression!
calc :: Parser Int
calc = do x  <- digitP
          op <- opP
          y  <- digitP
          return (x `op` y)


What will quiz evaluate to?

calc :: Parser Int
calc = do x  <- digitP
          op <- opP
          y  <- digitP
          return (x `op` y)

quiz = runParser calc "10+2"

A. [(12,"")]

B. []

C. [(10, "+2")]

D. [(1, "0+2")]

E. Run-time exception

Next: Recursive Parsing

Its cool to parse individual Char

… but way more interesting to parse recursive structures!

"((2 + 10) * (7 - 4)) * (5 + 2)"

EXERCISE: Parsing Many Times

Often we want to repeat parsing some object

  • E.g. to parse an Int we need to parse a digit many times

Implement a function manyP that:

  • applies a parser p as many times as it can
  • returns a list of the results
-- | `manyP p` repeatedly runs `p` to return a list of [a]
manyP  :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
manyP = ???

>>> runParser (manyP digitCharP) "2022cat"

>>> runParser (manyP digitCharP) "cat"

-- | `manyP p` repeatedly runs `p` to return a list of [a]
manyP  :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
manyP p = m1 <|> m0
    m0  = return [] 
    m1  = do { x <- p; xs <- manyP p; return (x:xs) } 

Parsing Numbers

Now, we can write an Int parser as:

int :: Parser Int
int = do { xs <- manyP digitChar; return (read xs) }

… but is this correct?

QUIZ: Parsing Numbers

What will `quiz`` evaluate to?

int :: Parser Int
int = do { xs <- manyP digitChar; return (read xs) }

quiz = runParser int "cat"

A. Type Error

B. [(0,"cat")]

C. []

D. Run-time exception

Parsing Numbers: Take 2

A number has one or more digits, not zero or more!

manyOneP :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
manyOneP p = do { x <- p; xs <- manyP p; return (x:xs) }

int :: Parser Int
int = do { xs <- manyOneP digitChar; return (read xs) }

>>> runParser int "2022cat"

>>> runParser int "cat"
[] -- as expected!

Parsing Arithmetic Expressions

Now we can build a proper calculator!

calc ::  Parser Int
calc = binExp <|> int 

binExp :: Parser Int
binExp = do
  x <- int 
  o <- opP 
  y <- calc
  return (x `o` y) 

Works pretty well!

>>> runParser calc "11+22+33"

>>> runParser calc "11+22-33"


The real (<|>) combinator in Parsec has different semantics:

It only runs p2 if p1 fails without consuming any input

  • This makes parsers more efficient
  • And helps with error reporting

To choose between objects that can have the same prefix, you need to use try:

-- In Parsec
calc ::  Parser Int
calc = try binExp <|> int 

Otherwise, runParser calc "10" would fail

  • because binExp consumes the 10
  • so int is never tried


calc ::  Parser Int
calc = binExp <|> int 

binExp :: Parser Int
binExp = do
  x <- int 
  o <- opP 
  y <- calc 
  return (x `o` y) 

What does quiz evaluate to?

quiz = runParser calc "10-5-5"

A. [(0, "")]

B. []

C. [(10, "")]

D. [(10, "-5-5")]

E. [(5, "-5")]

Problem: Right-Associativity

binExp :: Parser Int
binExp = do
  x <- int 
  o <- opP 
  y <- calc 
  return (x `o` y)

"10-5-5" gets parsed as 10 - (5 - 5) because

The calc parser implicitly forces each operator to be right associative

  • doesn’t matter for +, *

  • but is incorrect for -, div


binExp :: Parser Int
binExp = do
  x <- int 
  o <- opP 
  y <- calc 
  return (x `o` y)

What does quiz get evaluated to?

quiz = runParser calc "10*2+100"

A. [(1020,"")]

B. [(120,"")]

C. [(120,""), (1020, "")]

D. [(1020,""), (120, "")]

E. []

The calc parser implicitly forces each operator to be right associative

at the same precedence level!

Left Associativity

How can we make the parser left associative

  • i.e. parse “10-5-5” as (10 - 5) - 5 ?

Lets flip the order!

binExp :: Parser Int
binExp = do 
  x <- calc -- now calc is on the left 
  o <- intOp 
  y <- int
  return (x `o` y)

But …

>>> runParser calc "2+2"

Infinite loop! calc --> binExp --> calc --> binExp --> ...

  • without consuming any input :-(

Solution: Grammar Factoring

Any expression is a sum-of-products!

  expr :== sum
  sum  :== (((prod "+" prod) "+" prod) "+" ... "+" prod)
  prod :== (((atom "*" atom) "*" atom) "*" ... "*" atom) 
  atom :== "(" expr ")" | int

Or in Haskell:

expr = foldLP prod (plus <|> minus)
prod = foldLP atom (times <|> div)
atom = parensP expr <|> int

All that is left is to implement parensP and foldLP!

EXERCISE: Parsing Parenthetic Expressions

Implement the function parensP:

-- | Parse what `p` parses, surrounded by parentheses:
parensP :: Parser a -> Parser a
parensP p = ???

>>> runParser (parensP int) "(10)"

>>> runParser (parensP int) "10"

Fold Left Parser

Lets implement foldLP aP oP as a combinator

  • vP parses a single a value
  • oP parses a binary operator a -> a -> a
  • foldLP vP oP parses and returns the result ((v1 o v2) o v3) o v4) o ... o vn)

But how?

  1. grab the first v1 using vP

  2. continue by

    • either trying oP then v2 … and recursively continue with v1 o v2
    • or else (no more o) just return v1

foldLP :: Parser a -> Parser (a -> a -> a) -> Parser a
foldLP vP oP = do {v1 <- vP; continue v1}
    continue v1 = do { o <- oP; v2 <- vP; continue (v1 `o` v2) }
               <|> return v1

Lets make sure it works!

>>> runParser expr "10-5-5"

>>> runParser expr "10*2+100"

>>> doParse sumE2 "100+10*2"

Parser combinators

That was a taste of Parser Combinators

Many libraries including Parsec used in your homework - oneOrMore is called chainl

Read more about the theory - in these recent papers

Read more about the practice - in this recent post that I like JSON parsing from scratch