Mixing Monads


  1. Generalizing Exception Handling
  2. Generalizing Mutable State
  3. Combining Exception Handling and Mutable State

Exception Handling

Recall our expressions with division

data Expr
  = Num    Int
  | Plus   Expr Expr
  | Div    Expr Expr

We had a potentially crashing evaluator

eval :: Expr -> Int
eval (Number n)    = n
eval (Plus  e1 e2) = eval e1   +   eval e2
eval (Div   e1 e2) = eval e1 `div` eval e2

-- >>> eval (Div (Val 10) (Plus (Number 5) (Number (-5))))
-- Exception: Divide by zero

Exception Handling with Either

We used the standard library type Either, which is an instance of Monad

type Result a = Either String a

eval :: Expr -> Result Int
eval (Num v)      = return v
eval (Plus e1 e2) = do
                      v1 <- eval e1
                      v2 <- eval e2
                      return (v1 + v2)
eval (Div  e1 e2) = do
                      v1 <- eval e1
                      v2 <- eval e2
                      if v2 == 0
                        then Left ("DBZ " ++ show e2)
                        else return (v1 `div` v2)

This doesn’t crash but returns a Left

>>> eval (Div (Number 10) (Plus (Number 5) (Number (-5))))
Left "DBZ: Plus (Number 5) (Number (-5))"

And when it succeeds it returns a Right

>>> eval (Div (Number 10) (Plus (Number 5) (Number 5)))
Right 1

Exception Handling Monads

This implementation is specific to Either:

eval (Div  e1 e2) = 
    if v2 == 0
      then Left ("DBZ " ++ show e2) -- using Left here!
      else return (v1 `div` v2)

We would like to generalize this to any monad that provides two methods:

  1. throwError (with some value)

  2. catchError (and use its value)

Let’s first implement these functions for Either

1. Throwing an Exception

We can simply define

throwError :: e -> Either e a
throwError exn = Left exn

and rewrite the Div case:

eval (Div  e1 e2) = 
    if v2 == 0
      then throwError ("DBZ " ++ show e2) -- using a general function
      else return (v1 `div` v2)

2. Catching an Exception

What does it mean to catch an exception?

Lets change our Expr type to

data Expr
  = Num    Int
  | Plus   Expr Expr
  | Div    Expr Expr
  | Try    Expr       -- Try to evaluate an expression,
                      -- but if it fails, return 0

We would like to implement eval for Try as follows:

eval (Try e) = catchError (eval e) (\_ -> return 0)
--                         ^ this is the computation that might fail
--                                  ^ this is the handler 
--                                    (might depend on the exception!)


With this implementation of eval:

eval :: Expr -> Either String Int
eval (Try e) = catchError (eval e) (\_ -> return 0)

What should the type of catchError be?

A. Either e a -> (a -> Either e b) -> Either e b

B. Either e a -> (e -> Either e b) -> Either e b

C. Either e a -> (e -> Either e a) -> Either e a

D. Either e a -> Either e a -> Either e a

E. Either e a -> Either e b -> Either e b

Implementing catch

Lets implement the catch function!

catch :: Either e a -> (e -> Either e a) -> Either e a
catch (Left  e) handler = ???
catch (Right a) handler = ???


eval (Num v)      = return v
eval (Plus e1 e2) = ...
eval (Div  e1 e2) = do ...
                      if v2 == 0
                        then Left ("DBZ " ++ show e2)
                        else return (v1 `div` v2)
eval (Try  e)     = catchError (eval e) (\_ -> return 0)

catchError (Left  e) handler = handler e
catchError (Right a) _       = Right a

e1  = Div (Number 10) (Plus (Number 5) (Number (-5)))

quiz = eval (Try e1)

What does quiz evaluate to?

A. Right 0

B. Left 0

C. Left "DBZ: (Plus (Number 5) (Number (-5)))"

A Class for Exception Handling Monads

The class MonadError e m defined in Control.Monad.Except says

  • m is a Exception-Handling monad with exception type e
class Monad m => MonadError e m where
  throwError :: e -> m a
  catchError :: m a -> (e -> m a) -> m a

That is to say, m implements

  • >>= and return operations specified by Monad and

  • throwError and catchError operations specified by MonadError!

Generalizing the DBZ Evaluator

Now we can generalize our DBZ evaluator to work with any MonadError!

-- | Attention: new type!
eval :: (MonadError String m) => Expr -> m Int
eval (Num v)      = ...
eval (Plus e1 e2) = ...
eval (Div  e1 e2) = do
                      v1 <- eval e1
                      v2 <- eval e2
                      if v2 == 0
                        then throwError ("DBZ " ++ show e2)
                        else return (v1 `div` v2)
eval (Try  e)     = catchError (eval e) (\_ -> return 0)                        

Running the Generalized Evaluator

Lets try to run it!

>>> eval e0
error: Ambiguous type variable ‘m0’...

What is the problem?

  • eval is now polymorphic in m (does not know which m to use)
  • similar to the read "2" problem we saw earlier
  • we need to tell GHC which instance of MonadError to use
  • we know just the guy for the job: Either String!

For example, we can add an annotation:

>>> eval e0 :: Either String Int
Right 3


  1. Generalizing Exception Handling [done]
  2. Generalizing Mutable State
  3. Combining Exception Handling and Mutable State

Mutable State

Recall our expression with a counter:

data Expr
  = Num    Int
  | Plus   Expr Expr
  | Next

-- 0
==> 0

--      0    1
Plus Next Next
==> 1

--      0          1    2
Plus Next (Plus Next Next)
==> 3

Counting with State

We used the standard library type State, which is an instance of Monad

type Cnt = Int
type Counting a = State Cnt a

eval :: Expr -> Counting Int
eval (Num n)      = return n
eval (Plus e1 e2) = do v1 <- eval e1
                       v2 <- eval e2
                       return (v1 + v2)
eval Next         = do
                      cnt <- get
                      _ <- put (cnt + 1)
                      return (cnt)

A Class for Mutable State Monads

Just like exception handing, threading mutable state is a common pattern!

So let’s define a class for it!

The class MonadState s m defined in the Control.Monad.State says

  • m is a State-Threading monad with state type s
class Monad m => MonadState s m where
  get :: m s
  put :: s -> m ()

That is to say, m implements

  • >>= and return operations specified by Monad and

  • get and put operations specified by MonadState!

Generalizing the Counting Evaluator

So we can generalize our counting evaluator to work with any MonadState!

-- | Attention: new type!
eval :: (MonadState Cnt m) => Expr -> m Int
eval (Num n)      = return n
eval (Plus e1 e2) = do v1 <- eval e1
                       v2 <- eval e2
                       return (v1 + v2)
eval Next         = do
                      cnt <- get
                      _ <- put (cnt + 1)
                      return (cnt)

And define a topEval function that tells GHC to use State:

  • because evalState :: State s a -> s -> a
topEval :: Expr -> Int
topEval e = evalState (eval e) 0

>>> topEval (Plus Next Next)

>>> topEval (Plus Next (Plus Next Next))

What was the point of generalizing the evaluators?

  • We could now use a different MonadError (not Either)
  • We could now use a different MonadState (not State)
  • But the coolest thing is that we can now combine them!


  1. Generalizing Exception Handling [done]
  2. Generalizing Mutable State [done]
  3. Combining Exception Handling and Mutable State

A Fancy Evaluator

What if I want Exceptions and Mutable State?

data Expr
  = Num    Int
  | Plus   Expr Expr
  | Div    Expr Expr -- Needs exceptions
  | Next             -- Needs state
  -- omitting Try for simplicity

It would be great if we could just mesh the two evaluators together!

eval (Num n)      = return n
eval (Plus e1 e2) = do v1 <- eval e1
                       v2 <- eval e2
                       return (v1 + v2)
-- This case is from the DBZ evaluator:
-- it uses `throwError`! 
eval (Div  e1 e2) = do
                      v1 <- eval e1
                      v2 <- eval e2
                      if v2 == 0                        
                        then throwError ("DBZ " ++ show e2)
                        else return (v1 `div` v2)
-- This case is from the Counting evaluator:
-- it uses `get` and `put`!
eval Next         = do
                      cnt <- get
                      _ <- put (cnt + 1)
                      return (cnt)

But what type should eval have?

eval :: Expr -> ??? Int


What should be the type of eval for the Fancy evaluator?

-- (A) 
eval :: Expr -> State Cnt (Either String Int)
-- (B)
eval :: Expr -> Either String (State Cnt Int)
-- (C)
eval :: (MonadState Cnt m) => Expr -> m Int
-- (D)
eval :: (MonadError String m) => Expr -> m Int
-- (E)
eval :: (MonadState Cnt m, MonadError String m) => Expr -> m Int

Composing Constraints

This is the best part about generalizing: constraints compose!

-- The type has both constraints we need:
eval :: (MonadState Cnt m, MonadError String m) => Expr -> m Int
eval (Num n)      = ...
eval (Plus e1 e2) = ...
-- We can use `throwError` because `m` is a `MonadError`! 
eval (Div  e1 e2) = do
                      if v2 == 0                        
                        then throwError ("DBZ " ++ show e2)
                        else return (v1 `div` v2)
-- We can use `get` and `put` because `m` is *also* a `MonadState`!                        
eval Next         = do
                      cnt <- get
                      _ <- put (cnt + 1)
                      return cnt

Running the Fancy Evaluator

All is well until we try to run it:

>>> eval (Div (Num 3) Next)
error: ambiguous type variable ‘m0’...

We are in a pickle:

  • We need a monad m that is both a MonadState and a MonadError
  • State is not our guy (why?)
  • Either isn’t either (why?)
  • Do we need to implement a new monad from scratch? :(

Monad Transformers to the rescue!

Mixing Monads with Transformers

Start with a Basic Monad

m implements

  • no special operations

Transform it to add some Capabilities

Transform1 m implements

  • m operations and
  • operations added by Transform1

Transform again to add more Capabilities

Transform2 (Transform1 m) implements

  • m operations and
  • operations added by Transform1 and
  • operations added by Transform2

… And so on

Transform3 (Transform2 (Transform1 m)) implements

  • m operations and
  • operations added by Transform1 and
  • operations added by Transform2 and
  • operations added by Transform3

Reminiscent of the Decorator Design Pattern or Python’s Decorators.

A Basic Monad

First, lets make a basic monad

  • only implements >>= and return
  • adds no effects to the computation
  • just a wrapper around a value of type a
data Identity a = Id a

EXERCISE: Monad Instance for Identity

Implement the Monad instance for Identity:

data Identity a = Id a

instance Monad Identity where
  return a     = ???
  x >>= f      = ???

A Basic Monad

First, lets make a basic monad

  • only implements >>= and return
  • adds no effects to the computation
  • just a wrapper around a value of type a
data Identity a = Id a

instance Monad Identity where
  return a     = Id a
  (Id a) >>= f = f a

Adding Exception Capabilities

The transformer ExceptT e m defined in Control.Monad.Except

  • takes as input a monad m and
  • transforms it into a new monad m'

such that m' implements

  • all the operations that m implements
  • and adds exception-handling capabilities
  • that is, it can throwError and catchError

In other words:

  • ExceptT e m satisfies the constraint (MonadError e (ExceptT e m))

DBZ Evaluator using transformers

For example, we could give our (non-generalized) DBZ evaluator the type:

-- instead of: type Result a = Either String a
type Result a = ExceptT String Identity a

eval :: Expr -> Result Int

Running Transformers

If we run this evaluator, we get:

>>> eval e0
ExceptT (Id (Right 3))

The result is wrapped in all these layers of monads…

Each monad/transformer M provides a function runM that “unwraps” the results:

runIdentity :: Identity a -> a

runExceptT :: ExceptT e m a -> m (Either e a)

So we can do:

>>> runIdentity (runExceptT (eval e0))
Right 3

Adding State Capabilities

The transformer StateT s m defined in the Control.Monad.State

  • takes as input monad m and
  • transforms it into a new monad m'

such that m' implements

  • all the operations that m implements
  • and adds state-threading capabilities
  • e.g. it can get and put the state

In other words:

  • StateT s m satisfies the constraint (MonadState s (StateT s m))

Counting Evaluator Using Transformers

For example, we could give our (non-generalized) DBZ evaluator the type:

-- instead of: type Counting a = State Int a
type Counting a = StateT Int Identity  a

eval :: Expr -> Counting Int

And we can run it using runStateT (or evalStateT):

runStateT :: StateT s m a -> s -> m (a, s)

evalStateT :: StateT s m a -> s -> m a

>>> runIdentity (runStateT (eval (Plus Next Next)) 0)

>>> runIdentity (evalStateT (eval (Plus Next Next)) 0)

Fancy Evaluator Using Transformers

We can stack both transformers on top of each other!

type Fancy a = ExceptT String (StateT Cnt Identity) a

EXERCISE: Running Fancy

type Fancy a = ExceptT String (StateT Cnt Identity) a

Lets write a function

runFancy :: Fancy a -> Either String a
runFancy x = ???

such that

>>> runFancy (eval (Div (Num 3) (Plus Next Next)))
Right 3

>>> >>> runFancy (eval (Div (Num 3) Next))
Left "DBZ: Next"

Summary: Mixing Monads with Many Features

1. Transformers add capabilities to Monads

Transform2 (Transform1 m) implements

  • m operations and
  • operations added by Transform1 and
  • operations added by Transform2

2. StateT and ExceptT add State and Exceptions

  • Start with a basic monad Identity
  • Use StateT Int to add global-Int state-update capabilities
  • Use ExceptT Expr to add exception-handling capabilities

Play around with this in your homework assignment!